Curriculum vitae

07/2023 — present

Postdoctoral position

Department of Physics, Astronomy and Mathematics
University of Hertfordshire
United Kingdom

12/2021 — 05/2023

Postdoctoral position:
Postdoc Mobility of the Swiss National Science Foundation

Department of Physics
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

06/2020 — 11/2021

Postdoctoral position:
Early Postdoc Mobility of the Swiss National Science Foundation

Department of Physics
Imperial College London
United Kingdom

09/2019 — 05/2020

Postdoctoral position

Mathematical Institute, Charles University
Prague, Czech Republic

09/2014 — 08/2019

PhD in Mathematics
Thesis: Courant algebroids and string low energy effective actions
Supervisor: Pavol Ševera

Section of Mathematics
University of Geneva

09/2012 – 06/2014

MSc in Theoretical Physics
Thesis: Quantum description of the Universe close to Big Bang
Supervisor: Vladimír Balek

Comenius University
Bratislava, Slovakia

09/2009 – 06/2012

BSc in Physics
Thesis: What does the physics say about the time travel?
Supervisor: Vladimír Balek

Comenius University
Bratislava, Slovakia

Other activities


Seminar organiser
String theory seminar (Imperial College London)


Seminar organiser
Triangle seminar (Imperial College London)


Organising conference
Higher Structures in QFT and String Theory (A Virtual Conference for Junior Researchers)


Organizing and leading a discussion group for PhD students
Conformal Field Theory


FKS organizer (Slovak correspondence physics competition for high school students)