
Discord server Geometry & Physics
for discussing research topics in geometry and physics
to join, go to discord.gg/cRAD7qmHT?
where '?' should be replaced by the value of the following:
[rank of the group E_8] - [dimension of the group E_7] + [order of the Weyl group of E_6] - 51712

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Vedátor SK   an amazing science popularization project (in Slovak)
Quark   a popular-science magazine in Slovakia
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Some useful LaTeX tips that make a huge difference
thanks in particular to Rik Voorhaar, Karel Kolar, Lukas Konecny, Jimmy Found, Igor Khavkine, Samuel Valach, Mark Bugden,
  • when using beamer, put \beamertemplatenavigationsymbolsempty to get rid of the "navigation bar"
  • use \colon when writing f: A → B
  • use \coloneqq when writing := (uses the package mathtools)
  • to get correct spacing, when writing abbreviations (J. Smith, e.g., etc.) use J.\ Smith
  • for (simple) graphics, use tikz
  • you can often avoid using braces, e.g. \expression abc instead of \expression{a}{b}{c}
  • \frac12 instead of \frac{1}{2} (since numbers are never interpreted as part of LaTeX macros)
  • \mid for the vertical line in the set-builder notation (e.g. \{ n^3 \mid n \in \mathbb N \})
  • use \DeclareMathOperator for operators like im, ker, sup, ... (makes better spacing than \mathrm)
  • use Detexify to find out how to write a particular symbol
  • mhchem for chemical formulas
  • \tfrac (textstyle fraction) is often more appropriate than \frac (the opposite command is \dfrac)
  • \hphantom{text} (and \vphantom) to get the right spacing
  • when splitting \left( ... \right) into 2 lines, use \right. at the end of the 1st line and \left. at the start of 2nd